by Karen Kamal

Things That I’m Thankful For During Pregnancy

Things That I’m Thankful For During Pregnancy

So many changes and things happening in such short of time, yet pregnancy is a beautiful thing and a privilege for every woman. In this 33rd week of pregnancy, I dare say that I’m walking on a very smooth pregnancy journey that everyone dreams for and I’m so thankful for everything.
I thank God..: For He has given me an opportunity to see the way He sees things, especially the love He has for His sons and daughters. For the time to be away from work’s fast pace and routines, so that I can reflect and look back on how much have gone through in my life and to learn from it. His timing is everything.
I thank my Husband..: To show his unending love through little actions and sacrifices when he gives me massages in the middle of night when I get leg cramps, learns to cook for very first time to reduce my anxiety when then facing confinement just the two of us, listens to my series of worries and prays with me. The best life partner I can ask for.
I thank my Family and Friends..: To pamper me with genuine care and ask how am I doing regularly, so that I know I’m cared. People around me that teach me a lot of life lessons, even my doctor.
I thank my Baby..: For being a very good baby even still in my womb, growing perfectly healthy and active. The only precious gift that I love even before we encounter.
I thank my pregnancy journey..: Has been so smooth that it makes me think so many times it’s too good to be true. Zero nausea, fit health, better skins and not forget to mention, okay body shape and figure with only growing belly.
Someday when I look back, I can only cry and forever keep in my heart that how good my God is. 

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